Analysis of the “Slovenian Savings And Loan” Association

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These ratios and data will help you understand the financial situation of Slovenian Savings and Loan Association of Franklin Conemaugh. This data was provided by FDIC. FDIC-insured banks are all listed on Depositors who have been insured by FDIC have never lost any deposits.

The Texas Ratio is a measure of a bank’s non-performing assets, which include real estate and loans not in performance. It also compares its tangible common equity with its loan loss reserves. A lower Texas ratio means that there is better coverage for problem loans. A bank’s ability to absorb loan losses is affected by how close the Texas Ratio to 100% or 1-to-1 is.

Slovenian Savings and student loan debt Association of Franklin Conemaugh had $808,000 in uncurrent loans and $0 in real estate owned as of September 30, 2021. It had $17,442,000 equity and $496,000 loans loss reserves to cover potential losses. This gives it a Texas Ratio 4.5%.

Return on Equity

The Return on Equity for Slovenian Savings and payday loan online Association of Franklin-Conemaugh is 1.28%, compared to the 11.13% average . The bank’s ability to make money from its capital is measured by its return on equity. A bank that has a consistent high ROE is considered to be well-run. A bank with a low ROE is considered to be poorly managed.


The Capitalization of Slovenian Savings and Loan Association of Franklin-Conemaugh is 10.36%, compared to the 11.79 average of BestCashCow. Capitalization is the amount of equity capital that a bank needs to support loans and other assets. A bank will be considered more secure if its capitalization is higher.

Analysis of the Balance Sheet of Slovenian Savings and Loan Association of Franklin Conemaugh

Slovenian Savings and Loan Association of Franklin Conemaugh had assets of $168.331,000, home improvement loan neighbors of $86,957,000 and deposits of $155,366,000 as of September 30, 2021. A bank’s ability raise funds to expand its assets and loans is demonstrated by long-term deposits increases.

The bank’s growth strategy will determine whether loan and asset growth rises or falls. Problems can arise when assets, deposits and loans show sharp rises or falls. This could indicate a loosening in lending standards or financial distress that leads to decreased lending. These figures can also change dramatically due to bank mergers or acquisitions.

How do I apply for a bank Slovenian Savings and Loan?

Association of Franklin Conemaugh’s top three loan types are 1-4 Family Residential Loans and Construction and Development Loans.

Association of Franklin Conemaugh has a higher percentage of 1-4 Family Residential home improvement loan opting than other banks in Pennsylvania. This could indicate a specialization in this lending area.